My First SOTU

I’ll be completely honest with everyone.. I am NOT a huge politics guy. Never have been, probably never will be big into it. I try to focus on the happier and more positive things in life. Way too often people get wrapped up into taking sides and working against one another rather than coming together as a country and putting our differences aside to make this beautiful land we live in better. I have some light political views, but I do not usually discuss or debate them with anyone.

So, this is my first time watching a State of The Union Address. I really didn’t know what to expect but what little I did expect was completely wrong. For some reason I expected more of a debate and a lot more arguing. But instead it was just President Trump talking about a various amount of things and bragging about the accomplishments he has achieved. I will say he tried to focus on saying both parties should come together, which is comforting to see. Overall though, I thought the SOTU was an odd thing all-together. All I really remember from it is President Trump would say about 10-15 words and no matter what he said, the whole building would stand up and clap.

It was almost like they were required to start clapping and stand up every time the president paused only to sit down right after and wait for the next time he paused. Here’s an example from a transcript of the SOTU:

“There is a new opportunity in American politics, if only we have the courage together to seize it.”


“-victory is not winning for our party, victory is winning for our country. “


“-this year, America will recognize two important anniversaries that show us the majesty of America’s vision and the power of American pride.”


Some of these applause were long, almost 15 seconds long of them clapping. I am not saying this is a bad thing but it was so bizarre to me how it all went down. My favorite part is when they started chanting “USA! USA! USA!” like it was a high school basketball game on ‘Merica night in the rowdy section. Safe to say I’ll probably watch the next one for the pure entertainment factor.

2 thoughts on “My First SOTU

  1. I agree with you that I have never seen a SOTU address, so I was a little confused what was going on. The tension in the room had to be extremely uncomfortable with big names of both parties representing, but that’s just where the U.S. is at right now. Great mentions of the clapping, it’s like America is at it’s peak right now with their enthusiasm, haha!


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